I love to visit schools, share my books, and do writing workshops. Young author conferences are my favorites.
I can provide a power point presentation about my books and my writing process. It can be geared to any elementary grade level. I especially like sharing my dinosaur books with the younger kids. I will do up to three sessions a day.
A few of my workshop titles:
For more information or to schedule an author visit from Sheryl, please contact:
Sheryl Peterson 218-324-0587 |
or | Richard Peterson Booking Manager 218-244-7395 |

Hermantown, MN
“Today, Sheryl Peterson spoke to our fourth graders about being an author. She shared her published books. We especially liked the U.S. state books as we have been studying the regions of our country. It was a wonderful experience and very informative!”—Mrs. Jody Kolquist
“Thanks for your great presentation. You put “pizzazz in your books. (Pizzazz means words that spice up a book!” Nic
Pipestone, MN kids:
“I learned so much about dinosaurs! I have been in a sauna before and can’t wait to read your book. But I think you should also write a dog story!” —Isabel
“I liked your book on World War 11. It inspired me to be an author.” —Aaron
Brandon, FL
“I just read your book on the Empire State Building and loved it! I am not a middle schooler…but a grandmother of three. I will read the book to the kids and impress my friends with my new knowledge! Thank you. This is exceptional. Keep writing for children.”
Random things
about Sheryl:
I speak some Spanish, but am always trying to improve!
The first manuscript I submitted was a really silly picture book about a mouse who stole socks.
My favorite food is corn-on-the-cob with real butter. My worst? Black olives.